The web-based platform, ETL process and new data warehouse allow for more advanced benchmarking and analytics capabilities.
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UDig assisted a national healthcare association with replacing a legacy system that allows their program members to understand performance relative to other member organizations and monitor the progress of their organization over time. The modern, user-friendly solution created a secure platform for members to upload their data, an ETL process to cleanse and integrate the uploaded data, a new data warehouse with improved schema to support the integrated data and a metrics process for calculating benchmarking information.
A national healthcare association had a legacy system for program members to upload data, allowing the organization to analyze the data and provide benchmarking reports to members. The process to clean and integrate data was very manual and time-intensive. A more streamlined, efficient process was needed to provide better analysis, more timely results, and fewer errors.
UDig built a user-friendly web-based access point allowing members to easily and securely upload ePHI data to the association. UDig created the web-based platform, an ETL process to cleanse and integrate the uploaded data, and a new data warehouse with an improved schema to support the integrated data which will allow for more advanced benchmarking and analytics capabilities. The streamlined processes will allow the association to provide even more valuable reporting back to member organizations to help them measure and improve organization performance.